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My analyses help you to implement improvements that have an immediate impact on the efficient operation of your organization.


Manulev Consult focuses
on 4 core tasks:


• Independent soundboard

• Strategic and operational advice

• Business analysis

• Conflict mediation

Standing Meeting


Discuss your Business Ideas


Every day an entrepreneur makes important choices that help determine the future of the organization.
An independent and impartial partner can help you gain new insights and critically examine your entrepreneurial ideas.



Proactive approach with follow-up moments


I strive to be an independent partner and can offer my clients a regular follow-up moment. This frequent follow-up ensures that any obstacles in the development of old ideas and / or new initiatives can be quickly worked out.


Define your Mission & Vision


Manulev-Consult provides strategic and operational advice to companies, institutions and professional federations in a completely independant and uncolored way. Such a business analysis gives you as a business leader an open-minded, external view of all factors that influence your business objectives.



Mission and vision


As a business manager you must constantly assess and adjust the direction in which you want to steer the organization towards. A difficult task in a market that is evolving on a daily basis. A clear mission and vision are necessary to keep the ship on course in changeable weather.

A mission statement is a precise description of the company's reason for existence. It describes the purpose of the organization. The mission supports the vision and serves to communicate purpose and direction to employees, customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders.

The vision looks to the future and describes 'the ideal state' that the company wishes to achieve. The vision should inspire and challenge employees.


Financial Report


Make your business more profitable


Most small companies as well as SME's work with an external accountant. This provides for the essential legal acts such as VAT returns, taxation, filing a balance sheet, etc. In most cases, the service ends here. It is evident that an additional operational analysis of the figures is necessary if you want to stay on track. This external and clear view guarantees answers to a number of crucial questions.

A thorough analysis of your profit and loss account as well as the screening of various business units are core tasks.



Financial advisory targets


Defining the correct return on investment for each business unit is essential. Many SMEs consist of different units that are historically intertwined but do not always yield clear figures.

Both an analysis of the income statement with an emphasis on EBITDA, working capital, gross and net profit, as well as a clear view of the balance sheet data with an emphasis on equity, liquidity, debt ratio, DSO & DIO ratio and value creation parameters such as ROIC, ROCE and EVA, contributes to the formulation of the correct advice targets.


Save your energy for positive things


Mediation is probably one of the oldest and most natural ways to resolve conflict. Conflict mediation is a confidential and structured process of voluntary consultation between conflicting parties with the cooperation of an independent, neutral and impartial third party who facilitates communication and tries to get the parties to work out a solution themselves.

The parties involved themselves call on a mediator to support them in getting out of the conflict. His task consists of supporting the parties involved to speak with each other and to reach a solution and agreements themselves based on their needs with knowledge of the facts.

Mediation is a voluntary and confidential process for dealing with differences and conflicts in which those involved determine the most appropriate outcome for themselves.



Positive energy


Conflicts occur wherever people work together. These conflicts can be a burden and have negative consequences, both for those involved and for the entire organization. The strength of a good conflict mediator lies in the ability to always see multiple sides to a conflict.

It's never just legal or just personal.

Manulev-consult treats conflicts with a multifocal lens:
legal-psychological-business administration-family-sensitive.

Business Meeting
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